Lecture 4.3: Mathematics — Rational and Real Numbers

Today we will go through the construction of and as quotient types

A similar construction will be shown in the next lecture for the p-adic integers

Rational numbers

Rational numbers can be expressed as n / d where n, d : ℤ, representing the unique solution of x in the equation x * d = n for d ≠ 0

We use the following general idea to construct new types with specific properties:

  1. Create a new type to "syntactically" represent all elements

  2. Quotient this representation, equating syntactic elements that should be considered equal

  3. Define functions by lifting functions from the syntactic representation and prove that they respect the quotient relation

For :

  1. We simply introduce a dependent triple (n : ℤ, d : ℤ, hd : d ≠ 0) to represent n / d

  2. As quotient relation, we use n / d ≈ n' / d' := n * d' = n' * d

  3. Define 0 := 0 / 1, 1 := 1 / 1, and addition, multiplication, and order:

    n / d + n' / d'      :=  (n * d' + n' * d) / (d * d')
    (n / d) * (n' / d')  :=  (n * n') / (d * d')
    n / d ≤ n' / d'      :=  n * d' ≤ n' * d

    and show that they respect the relation

    Since these functions respect , we can lift them into functions on

Now we can prove that forms a linear_orderd_field

Alternative (extreme) definitions of :

This is the definition used in mathlib

Advantages: no quotient required; more efficient computation; more theorems are definitional equalities

Disadvantage: more complicated function definitions

Define to include congruence rules and to follow the field equations:

  inductive ≈ : pre_ℚ → pre_ℚ → Prop
  | add_congr {a b c d : pre_ℚ} : a ≈ b → c ≈ d → add a c ≈ add b d 
  | add_comm {a b : pre_ℚ}      : add a b ≈ add b a
  | add_assoc {a b c : pre_ℚ}   : add a (add b c) ≈ add (add a b) c

Advantages: does not require ; easy to prove the field equations; general recipe reusable for other algebraic constructions (e.g. free monoids, free groups)

Disadvantage: the definition of orders and lemmas about them are more complicated

Real numbers

is incomplete: the sets {x ∈ ℚ | x² < 2} and {x ∈ ℚ | x² > 2} partition , but the supremum or infimum is not in

The sequence of rationals

1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, 1.4142, 1.41421, 1.414213, 1.4142135, 1.41421356, ...

does not converge to a rational number

There are different ways to construct the real numbers:

Cauchy sequences are the easiest approach, especially if is already available

We follow the general recipe described above, using Cauchy sequence as the "syntactic" concept

Cauchy sequences

cannot represent √2, but it can approximate it:


One way to approximate the missing numbers is to use Cauchy sequences

A sequence f : ℕ → α is Cauchy if the distance between two elements gets arbitrarily small:

cauchy f  :=  ∀ε > 0, ∃N, ∀n ≥ N, |f N - f n| < ε

where α is equipped with an "absolute value" operator | | : α → ℚ

To construct , α will be

It is easy to define the operations on Cauchy sequences:

0      :=  λn, 0
1      :=  λn, 1
f + g  :=  λn, f n + g n
f * g  :=  λn, f n * g n

The definitions requires us to prove that when f and g form a Cauchy sequence, then f + g and f * g form Cauchy sequences

However, two different Cauchy sequences can approximate the same point:

1                2
1.4              1.5
1.41             1.42
1.414            1.415
1.4142           1.4143
1.41421          1.41422
1.414213         1.414214
1.4142135        1.4142136
1.41421356       1.41421357
...               ...

Both converge towards √2

Two sequences are equivalent if they approximate the same point:

equiv f g  :=  ∀ε > 0, ∃N, ∀m ≥ N, ∀n ≥ N, |f m - g n| < ε

Cauchy sequences also have a order:

0 < f := ∃ε > 0, ∃N, ∀m ≥ N, ε < f m

This is all we need since f < g ↔ 0 < g - f


is defined as the quotient of Cauchy sequences on with respect to the relation equiv

To define the ordered field structure on , all operations are lifted from Cauchy sequences

Unlike , is complete—i.e. all Cauchy sequence on have a limit:

∀f : ℕ → ℝ, cauchy f → ∃x, ∀ε > 0, ∃N, ∀m ≥ N, |f m - x| < ε


Analysis does not stop with introducing

mathlib has more material on analysis:

But one of the more important concepts, derivatives, is still missing

In the next lecture, we will hear from Robert Y. Lewis about a related topic from number theory: p-adic numbers